All Set for the I Edition of the Innovation Forum INTERMEDIATE LOCAL GOVERNMENTS in Spain

More than 50 institutions are called upon to attend the National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA)- Madrid- on November 19 and 20 to discuss and share experience and knowledge concerning innovation, technology, e-government and consulting to municipalities. This Forum is promoted by Castellón Provincial Council, in cooperation with Partenalia and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces.


During this Forum, Partenalia’s roles and actions will be presented to the attendees within the conference “Partenalia, the voice of Provinces in Europe”. Many partners of the Association will carry out expositions and pertake in debates during the whole day.


Therefore, Mr. Bartolomé Nofuente López- Deputy of Diputación de Valencia- will participate in a round table discussion, together with his counterparts Mr. Luis Martínez- Castellón- and Mr. José Benito Barroso Sánchez- Sevilla-, regarding the current situation of the Intermediate Local Governments in Spain.


Moreover, representatives of the provinces of Ourense, Castellón and Sevilla will show success stories in their institutions. The sessions will conclude with a round table on future challenges, from a leadership point of view, by the Presidents Mr. Javier Moliner Gargallo (Diputación de Castellón), Mr. Manuel Baltar Blanco (Oursense) and Mr. Pere Vila Fulcará (Girona).


Click here for full Programme: