Amicus preparatory Action, Second Call for proposals

The Amicus Preparatory Action aims to:

  • promote the transnational character of youth placements in civic service and volunteering activities;
  • promote the development of a European framework to facilitate the interoperability of existing civic service and volunteering opportunities for young people in the Member States;
  • allow a testing and evaluation phase by way of specific European cooperation projects in the field of youth transnational civic service and volunteering.

Under this call for proposals, two categories of applicants are eligible:

  • firstly, and as a priority, public bodies3 whose main activity falls within the field of civic service;
  • non-profit associations or non-governmental organisations whose main activity is in the field of youth volunteering.

Eligible participants: Young people aged between 16 and 289, legally resident in an EU country.

At least 50% of participants must be identified when the application is submitted. The identification of the rest of participants should be sent to the European Commission at minimum 6 weeks before the start of the activity(ies) involving the concerned young people.

Number of participants: From 1 to 50 young people, sent individually or in group(s).

Duration fot he service: From 3 to 6 months

Activity: An activity has three phases: planning and preparation, implementation of the Service, evaluation.

Themes: The Service should focus on one or several of the following themes: arts and culture, youth, equal opportunities, social care, European citizenship, participation, intercultural dialogue, environment, sport and development cooperation.

The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects under this call amounts to 2 300 000€. The maximum grant allocated to each project may not exceed 300 000€.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 30 April

Contact persons at DG Education and Culture:
Corinne Rigaux: +32 2 233 05 23
Peggy Geneve: +32 2 298 55 68