Badajoz Provincial Council

General information

  • Entity: Badajoz Provincial Council
  • Country Spain
  • Region: Extremadura
  • Population of the region: 1,059,501 (2021)
  • Capital of the province: Badajoz
  • Population of the province: 666,971 (2022)



  • The coordination of municipal services with each other to guarantee comprehensive and adequate provision.
  • Assistance and legal, economic and technical cooperation to municipalities.
  • The provision of public services of a supramunicipal nature.
  • Cooperation in the promotion of economic and social development and planning in the provincial territory.
  • The exercise of coordination functions in the preparation and monitoring of the application of the measures contained in the economic-financial plans.
  • Assistance in the provision of tax collection management services, and financial management support services in municipalities with a population of less than 20,000 inhabitants.
  • The provision of electronic administration services and centralized contracting in municipalities with a population of less than 20,000 inhabitants.
  • The monitoring of the effective costs of the services provided by the municipalities of their province and their collaboration for a more efficient coordinated management of the services that allows reducing these costs.
  • Centralized contracting in municipalities with a population of less than 20,000 inhabitants.
  • The annual approval of a provincial cooperation plan for municipal works and services, in whose elaboration the municipalities of the province must participate.


  • with the state – In general the promotion and administration of the peculiar interests of the province.
  • with the region – In urban matters, local development and training.

Other areas of intervention

Thematic priorities of the provincial institution:

  • Sustainable tourism.
  • Digital transformation.
  • Sustainable development.
  • Energy rehabilitation of buildings.
  • Fight against climate change.
  • Waste management and water cycle.
  • Green and circular economy.
  • Social and territorial cohesion. Demographic challenge.
  • Equality.
  • Support for entrepreneurs and business innovation.

Ongoing projects:

European networks to which the province belongs

  • partenalia
  • Cross-border Network of Western Jacobean Roads
  • European Network of Cork Territories (RETECORK)
  • Spanish Network of the United Nations Global Compact
  • Spanish Network for Sustainable Development
  • European Association of Conservatories

Technical Manager

  • Cristina Beatriz Cortes Barreto
    Head of Service of the European Projects Office