Boosting Proximity Tourism trough the promotion of Local Patrimony October 13th European Week of Regions and Cities 2022 edition

As is customary, Partenalia will organise a workshop in the framwork of the 2022 edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities which will focus on Boosting Proximity Tourism trough the promotion of Local Patrimony and will take place online on Thursday, October, 13th from 9:30 to 11:00.


European Week of Regions and Cities Many trends have been exacerbated by the sanitary crisis: traveling closer to home is no exception. Proximity tourism promotes a decrease in tourists’ carbon footprint, boosts the local economy and gives increased visibility to the rich and diverse heritage of our territories, especially their monuments. It is also a unique tool to reinvigorate rural areas and sustain jobs locally to avoid critical depopulation. Best practices and new promotion strategies will be discussed in the workshop.

One of the trends observed during the health crisis has been that of proximity tourism, through which Europeans have chosen to travel closer to home, within their region or country of origin or even within the European Union. This has not only allowed European citizens to rediscover the richness of their monumental heritage, but has also paved the way for greener tourism practices that limit travel distances and reinforces the use of the railway as the main means of
Exchanging on good practices related to the promotion and management of tourist sites and their historical monuments – particularly those located in rural areas – and following up on Partenalia’s High-level conference on the topic.

Registration is now open (programme and registration:  


Full EWRC 2022 programme: