Call for proposals: Amicus Action

The DG Education and Culture from the European Commission launched a call for proposals for the preparatory Action Amicus, seeking to foment activities of civil service and voluntary work for young people in the framework of the European Programme “Youth in Action”.

The Amicus Preparatory Action aims to:

  • promote the transnational character of youth placements in civic service and volunteering activities;
  • promote the development of a European framework to facilitate the interoperability of existing civic service and volunteering opportunities for young people in the Member States;
  • allow a testing and evaluation phase by way of specific European cooperation projects in the field of youth transnational civic service and volunteering.

Amicus will support transnational civic service and volunteering projects comprising, on the one hand, research and awareness raising activities and, on the other hand, the placement of young people within the European Union.

The projects are to be run by civic service bodies or civil society organisations.

The total budget of this call for proposals is 2.300.000€, from which 300.000€ are estimated per project.

Deadline for sending proposals: 30 April 2009

Call for proposals:

Application form: