What is the EER?
The European Entrepreneurial Region (EER) is a pilot scheme that will identify and reward EU regions/local authorities with outstanding entrepreneurial vision, irrespective of their size, wealth and competences. The regions/local authorities with the most credible and forward-thinking action plan will be granted an entrepreneurial label: “Entrepreneurial region of the year”.
The aim of the initiative is to create dynamic, green and entrepreneurial regions/local authorities throughout Europe.
All regions cities or local authorities endowed with competencies at political level and able to implement an overall entrepreneurial vision are welcome to participate!
How to apply?
Submit a “vision plan” for your region/local authority (using the application form available on the website), including a presentation of your region/city/local authority’s vision, its plan of action and planned communication activities, backed by a proven political commitment to implement such a vision.
Candidate regions may apply for EER years, 2011 and 2012.
Exceptionally, the first EER labels will be awarded at an EER Award Ceremony in February 2010 for the EER years 2011 and 2012.
Deadline for applications (for EER 2011 and 2012): 15 January 2010
EER timeline
- October 2009: Launch of the Committee of the Region’s EER pilot scheme
- 15 January 2010: Deadline for submission of applications
- February 2010: Granting of the first EER Award(s)
- Year 2011: first “EER Year”
- Year 2012: second “EER Year”
For further questions, please contact us at: eer2010@cor.europa.eu.
For further information: