Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa participated at the seminar urban-rural linkages organised by DG REGIO

The 2nd July took place in Brussels the 3rd seminar on urban-rural linkages organised by the Directorate General for Regional Policy. This seminar put together key experts from the territory to have an open debate on the effects of urban-rural linkages on the cohesion of EU territories.

Mr. Ahner, Director General of DG REGIO and Ms Carparelli, head of the Unit dealing with Inclusion, Social Policy Aspects of Migration, Streamlining of Social Policies of the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, presented the current framework of urban-rural linkages in the EU and how EU policies work to ameliorate this relationship. The OECD was also present. After those presentations, some key studies were debated with participants.

Being able to participate in this seminar through one of our members, increases PARTENALIA visibility at EU level.