This week more than forty companies and other organisations have joined the European Alliance for Apprenticeships, coordinated by the European Commission, and committed to providing more and better apprenticeships for young people. The companies will make a total of 140.000 apprenticeships and training opportunities available to young people.
The fight against youth unemployment is a top priority for this European institution. Good quality apprenticeships help young people to acquire the skills and key competences necessary to be successful on the labour market.
The European Alliance for Apprenticeships was launched on 2 July 2013 in Leipzig (Germany) by a Joint Declaration between the EU Presidency, the Commission and the European social partners.
The Alliance brings together public authorities, chambers of commerce, industry and crafts, businesses, social partners, education and training providers, regions, youth and non-profit organisations, think tanks and research institutes in order to promote apprenticeship schemes and initiatives across Europe.
Find all the information here.