High-level meeting with experts from EIB to explore funding opportunities

The recently re-elected President of Partenalia, Javier Moliner, the President of the diputación de León, Juan Martinez Majo, Bartolome Nofuentes (County Councilor of Valencia), José Ángel Benitez (County Councilor of Badajoz), Fernando Grande (Vice-President of the Cáceres County Council) and Miguel Ángel del Egido Llanes(County Councilor of León) have held their first meeting with the European Investment Bank (EIB).

The EIB finances itself on capital markets in order to grant loans for projects contributing to the objectives of the EU under extremely favorable conditions.
The EIB offers direct credit schemes for sums above 25 million euros. For lesser amounts, it opens lines of credit to financial institutions which in turn grant loans to creditors.
The members of Partenalia have studied the possibilities for Local Intermediate Authorities to group various municipal projects from their territories in order for them to be granted joint funding. The aim is to allow for the development and the equality of opportunities of rural areas.
After the meeting, Javier Moliner explained: “we have held this meeting in order to explore all the possibilities available to us in terms of funding for projects from our territories which can be supported by the European Union and be granted concrete financial support via the European Bank of Investment”.

Getting financial resources closer to our territories

 During the two years of Javier Moliner’s Presidency of Partenalia, 15 projects from member territories presented by public-private partnerships have been approved and supported financially for a total amount of 9 million euros. All of them were managed through the Info Center created by Partenalia in order to keep its members and companies from their territories informed on a daily basis as to how to access European funds.
Partenalia has furthermore been successful in positioning itself as a “Label for EU Projects” organization. This label enables Partenalia to increase the chances of projects from the territories of its members of being granted European funding when they are presented to European Institutions


Watch the Video with selection moments of the visit: https://t.co/YkjT0ELQOP