IGTrain project meets in Bulgaria

Partenalia participated on the 10th and 11th of September in the third coordination meeting of the IGTrain project (http://igtrain.eu/). In this occasion, all the partners met in Sofia (Bulgaria) in order to validate the “Train the Trainers Guide” developed by the project partners:  Verein Multikulturell (AT), Bimec Ltd (BG), Cooss Marche (IT), Waterpolis (PT), and Mozaik (TK) and Partenalia aisbl (BE).

After detecting the training needs of the people + 50 (http://partenalia.eu/article/partenalias-igtrain-project-enters-in-its-decisive-phase) and of all the project target groups, the partners have developed a guide for putting into practice a Train the trainers course in each of the involved countries. This meeting validated the current status of the guide and decided the next steps of the training phase.

Partenalia, as leader of the Dissemination activities, presented the Monitoring report of the Dissemination plan and the future actions to be taken in order to improve the visibility of the project. The current results can be found online in its website (http://igtrain.eu/).

Besides, in October-November 2014, Partenalia will organise in Belgium the training structure and content to implement the train-the-trainer course.

In following stages of the project, the results of the course will be evaluated in order to generate good practices and case studies to promote the idea of more structured intergenerational learning at the workplace as well as contributing to the employability of the older people (50+).
The next coordination meeting will take place in  Lisbon (Portugal) on  the 21st and 22nd of January 2015.

IGTrain project Nº: 539475-LLP-1-2013-1-BG-GRUNDTVIG-GMP