The URBACT Information day took place on December 9, 2014 in Brussels. Since 2002, URBACT is the European Territorial Cooperation Programme fostering sustainable integrated urban development in cities across EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland. URBACT is an instrument of the Cohesion Policy, co-financed by the European Commission (ERDF) and Member States.

URBACT enables cities to work together and develop integrated solutions to their local challenges. In URBACT networks, cities share experiences and learn from one another, draw lessons and transfer good practices to enhance their urban policies.

Following URBACT I and II, URBACT III will continue to promote sustainable integrated urban development and contribute to the delivery of the strategy Europe 2020. Through networking, capacity building, and capitalisation of good practices, it will support urban policy-makers and practitioners at EU, national, regional and local level.

URBACT II Project Results were quite satisfactory, since 15 projects were approved out of 82.

URBACT III is currently in the process of being approved by the European Commission. It will be launched at the beginning of 2015, by means of open calls for the creation of transnational networks.

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