The President of the Committee of the Regions, Luc Van den Brande and Czech regional development minister Cyril Svoboda launched a public consultation on the Lisbon Strategy after 2010 the 6 March during the European Summit of Regions and Cities in Prague.
The consultation, which will last until 20 April, is open to all local and regional authorities, who are invited to submit their comments on the future of the Lisbon strategy by answering a questionnaire on the CoR’s website. The questionnaire is available in all EU languages. The results of the consultation will be presented and discussed in Brussels during the Open Days week (5-8 October 2009), and be incorporated into the new opinion on the Future of the Lisbon Strategy by CoR member Christine Chapman (UK/PES). This will then constitute the political message that the CoR will address to the 2010 Spring European Council, where the final decision on the future of the Lisbon strategy will be made.