Last 3rd and 4th of April, the political representatives of Partenalia joined together in the Italian city of Terni to celebrate the most important meeting of Partenalia in 2014.
This time, Partenalia broke its record of participants with representatives from 5 countries of the EU: Spain, Belgium, France, Italy and Croatia.
During the meeting, it was approved the Report of activities 2013, the Plan of activities for 2014 and the budget to cope with this activities in the current year presented by Diputación de Cáceres (Spain) as Secretariat of Partenalia. The Plan for 2014 contains three types of activities: networking, lobbying and joint European projects.
The coordination of Partenalia will foster the exchanges of good practices in the framework of its three working groups: Economy, innovation and energy, Employment and training for employment and Territorial development (focused in tourism and new technologies) which develop innovative initiatives in a transnational scale.
One of the most important points in the agenda was the election of the new President of Partenalia for the next 2 years. The Members of the Political Council chose unanimously the President of Diputación de Castellón, Mr. Javier MOLINER, as new President of the association. He will be supported in his duties by 2 vicepresidents, M. Serge HUSTACHE from the Province of Hainaut (Belgium) and Mr. Feliciano POLLI, president of the Province of Terni (Italy).
It was also approved the adhesion of three new members to the network: Diputación de León (Spain), Province de Namur (Belgium) and Province Brabant-Wallon (Belgium) as full member.