Partenalia collaborates on the research and development project REMEB to provide response to the social challenges related to climate change

It has a total budget of EUR 2.361.622,50 and it is co-funded by the European Union thanks to the EU Programme Horizon 2020

The REMEB project is leaded by the agricultural society Sociedad de Fomento Agrícola Castellonense SA (FACSA), in which are involved associations such as Partenalia and ACR+ and institutions such as the Council of Chambers of Commerce of Valencia and the Diputación de Castellón. REMEB has been awarded among more than 100 projects within the European Commission Programme Horizon 2020.

Partenalia- as a launching platform for innovative initiatives- is getting involved in the dissemination of the project- expected to be completed in June 2018- before European institutions, lobbys and Local Intermediate Authorities (LIAs) implied in the association for them to know the project program.

This project is aimed at developing an Eco-friendly Ceramic Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Based on Recycled Agricultural and Industrial Wastes for Waste Water Reuse.

REMEB arises from the research in the field of low cost recycled ceramic membranes. Its aim is to develop a water treatment that combines biological treatment with membrane technology, in particular, a MBR. Specifically, REMEB MBR would decrease the membrane manufacturing cost- currently not implemented due to high-economic cost, opening the doors, in turn, to new research in the field of water reuse.

REMEB is integrated by a total of 11 partners from seven different countries: FACSA as project coordinator, the Spanish Institute for Ceramic Technology ITC-UJI, the French engineering company IMECA Process, the consultant company from Cyprus ATLANTIS, the Norwegian company BIOWATER, the Council of Chambers of Commerce of Valencia, Castellón laboratory for research and environmental projects IPROMA, the Italian ceramic centre CENTRO CERAMICO, the ceramic research centre SAM in Turkey, Antonio Ariño University in Colombia and the Wastewater Management Entity of Murcia region ESAMUR.