The international association Partenalia has been invited to share its good practice and 20 years old cooperation experience at the fourth edition of the Decentralized Cooperation between Belgium-Romania forum, entitled “Fostering local governance between Romania and Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels”, a prominent event that brings together politicians, high civil servants and experts from both countries.
The fourth edition of “Decentralized Forum Belgium – Romania” intends to focus the debate on decentralized bilateral cooperation at European level, taking into account the new needs and expectations and, more specifically, the new challenges for the local authorities of Belgium and Romania.
The event has been first addressed to Local intermediate Governments of both countries, but also non-governmental organizations, professional associations, universities and research institutes and companies interested in decentralized cooperation Belgium – Romania. The subjects on the table include most current issues for all these major players, which include: environment, agriculture, tourism, water management, health, civil society, and youth.
The main objective of the summit is the exchange of good practices, renewing ties, establishing effective partnerships which can be promoted and realized by throwing them into existing national and European frameworks (priorities, programs, funding).
In this context, Partenalia presents its association and the benefits of networking for Local intermediate Governments at European Level.
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