Partenalia mourns the death of the member of its Political Council, Ms. Isabel Carrasco, President of Diputación de León

The President of Partenalia, Mr. Javier Moliner, representing all the Intermediate local Governments that join together the international Association, laments very much the murder of the member of Partenalia’s Political Council and President of the Provincal council of León, Ms. Isabel Carrasco, who had recently joined the Association.

As well, he would like to transmit to her family and to all the workers of the Provincial council of León, Partenalia’s condolences for this painful and tragic loss.

Partenalia shows its absolute disgust at this incomprehensible crime and condemns any violent act. “I’m speechless at what happened to my partner in León. I can only offer my love to the family, friends and members of the European network. Nothing can justify violence toward others, and even less toward exercising public servants representing the people. The most powerful weapon in a democracy must be the words and not the shots” remarked President Moliner.

“Isabel was noted for her strong belief in the public service and to defend the interests of her fellow citizens and territory, two values ​​that we share and that will remain in our memories. R.I.P.”