Partenalia Workshop European Week of Regions and Cities We’re staying rural areas: practices, policies and tools for thriving regions

Partenalia members are pleased to announce that their candidacy to organise a workshop in the framework of the 2023 European Week of Cities and Regions has been retained.

The network has merged its workshop with that of the European Association for Innovation in Local Development (AEIDL). The cooperation aims at presenting the perspective of both networks with regards to the fight against rural depopulation in order to discuss the interaction between the political strategical priorities and plans of Local Intermediate Authorities and several ongoing and past projects implemented by the AEIDL. The workshop will also give Partenalia members and Partenalia as a network the opportunity to discuss the emergence of possible synergies between the activities of both entities.

High-level political and technical participation is expected on October, 11th at 03:30 pm at the Square Convention Center which will ensure lively and relevant interaction between the speakers and the audience as half the workshop will be dedicated to exchanges with the participants.

A majority of Partenalia members’ political representatives are expected to be present in the European capital during the EWRC to meet with EU politicians, other European networks and other Local Intermediate Authorities in order to discuss potential partnerships and the creation EU-funded consortia aimed at developing European projects.


Title: We’re staying rural areas:  practices, policies and tools for thriving regions

Theme: Retaining talent for regional growth

Format: Workshop (60 minutes- at least 15 minutes contribution from the audience)


Description: Approximately 30% of Europe’s regions suffer from a rapidly shrinking labor force, a low share of higher education, and a steady exodus of young people. As acknowledged by the European Commission Demographic Report on the Impacts of Demographic Change (2023), these trends are more severe in rural areas and contribute to widening Europe’s urban-rural divide and territorial disparities. 


Yet, many diverse initiatives are emerging to address demographic challenges in rural and semi-rural areas. This workshop will present current local good practices, policies and tools to retain and attract talent in rural areas.  It will also explore how these can be used to formulate recommendations to improve living conditions and public services, making staying or returning to these areas not only possible but appealing, avoiding one-size-fits-all solutions, and considering the diversity of assets found in European territories.




Bartolomé Nofuentes – Vice-president of Partenalia (Mancomunidad Horta Sud)


Aurélie Kirsch (F), CIHEAM IAM Montpellier and Project Manager of the GRANULAR Coordination Team


Luca Menesini, President of the Province of Lucca – CoR member (Partenalia)


Moderator: Marta Marczis, President of AEIDL- European Association for Innovation in Local Development 




00.00-00.05: Welcome and introduction, Marta Marczis- AEIDL 


00.05- 00.35: Practices and policies to retain and attract rural talents


·       Policies by Local Intermediate Authorities- Partenalia

·       Data and tools for place-based solutions- Aurélie Kirsch- CIHEAM IAM Montpellier


00.35-0.55: Q&A/ interaction with the public


00.55-1.00: Take-away messages and closing, Marta Marczis- AEIDL