The President of Partenalia and funding member of CEPLI, Juan Andrés TOVAR, will take part next Friday, the 13th of November in the II Political Council of CEPLI that will be held in the capital of Hungary, Budapest, under the title: “The role of the local Intermediate Authorities (LIAs in a Europe in crisis? Economic, social and territorial challenges”.
In the current context of economic and financial crisis, it is necessary to face the challenges introduced by the debate on the future of the policy of cohesion, the entry into force of the Agreement of Lisbon or the development of the multi-level governance. The LIAs are, for their proximity with the citizens, vectors of the social, economic and territorial cohesion in Europe and can have, therefore, a key role to manage the way out of the crisis.
A debate will be held during the Political Council with the presence of out-standing members of European Institutions where Juan Andrés TOVAR, as President of PARTENALIA, will take part showing the different approaches that LIAs are giving to fight against the effects of the crisis.
Besides, the President Tovar will present the experience of cooperation of the network PARTENALIA and its successful turn into International Association as example of the awareness of LIAs on the need to work together to be present in Europe, to take part in the decision-making process and to have accesses to European funding by themselves.
Finally, it will be released a common position of the Federation on the multi-level governance white book.
CEPLI is the only European organization of national associations of provinces and represents more than 8.500 intermediate administrations of 10 countries of the Union and two associate networks, Partenalia and Arco Latino. It was funded in 2008 with the aim to fill the lack of representation of the above mentioned administrations in the decision-making process of the European policies and to facilitate the exchanges among its members.
Members of CEPLI are as follows: Assembly of the Departments of France (Assemblee des Departements de France – ADF), Association of the Flemish Provinces (Vereniging van Vlaamse Provincies – VVP), Association of the Walloon Provinces (Association des Provinces Wallonnes – APW), German County Association (Deutscher Landkreistag – DLT), National Association of Bulgarian Municipalities – ANMRB, National Association of County General Assamblies of Hungary (Megyei Onkormanyzatok Orszagos Szovetsege – MOOSZ), National Union of County Councils of Romania (Uniunea Nationala a Consiliilor Judetene din Romania – UNCJR), Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (Federacion Espanola de Municipios y Provincias – FEMP), Union of Italian Provinces (Unione delle Province d’Italia – UPI), Union of Polish Districts – UPP, Union of Prefectural Administrations of Greece – ENAE, Arco Latino and PARTENALIA