Press release CEPLI 15th July 2008

The ADF and their partners, European national associations representing intermediate local authorities as well as 2 networks of local authorities -Latin Arc and Partenalia-, met the 15th July 2008 in the Chartreuse de Villeneuve, Avignon (France), in order to celebrate a European seminar about “the role of local authorities in the strategies of the European Union and the regional cohesion policy”.

This seminar takes place during the first few days of the French Presidency of the European Union, with the support of the Committee of the Regions of the European Union.

In this framework, takes place the first grouping of national associations of intermediate local authorities which, on this occasion, founded the European Confederation of intermediate local authorities, the CEPLI. Partenalia Executive Secretariat has been represented by the elected responsible for the Cooperation Department of Barcelona Provincial Council, Mr. Jordi Labòria.

  • Represent administrative divisions and local authorities at European level,
  • Bring together local players for a continuous exchange of good practices and experimental local policies,
  • Reinforce their involvement in European programmes such as the cohesion policy and the new regional cooperation policy,
  • Create a direct dialogue, at European level, with institutions responsible of these programs and of the big territorialized policies as well as with other European associations and NGOs that group local authorities.

Since its creation, the Cohesion Policy opened a decisive space for territories towards Europe, allowing local authorities to participate in the process of the European integration, at the disposal of citizens.

These intermediate communities are, since now, relevant actors of each Member state for all kind of policies, national or European.

Its Union, in CEPLI, will give them new force and ambition.