Project Meeting in Istanbul

Next week, the IGTrain Consortium will meet in Istanbul for the last meeting of the Project. As it is the last project meeting before the conclusion of the global project, the challenges will be important. Together, the partners will have to discuss the achievements in former stages and the next steps of the IGTrain project.

First, each partner will present their main results and achievements about the implemented on-the-job trainings that have finished in the end of April.

  • Who where the people involved?
  • What methodology and content were used?
  • How satisfying was the experience?
  • How can it be improved in the future?

All this information will lead the Consortium to adjust the projects main tools and final product in order to increase their potential utility for the public.

A second important matter will be the dissemination of the project progression. The state of the art will be compared with the former objectives and the decisions regarding the next steps will be taken depending on the level of satisfaction encountered.

Last but not least, the exploitation and sustainability issue will have an important place too. As it is the main purpose of a project, the final products have to be rightly designed to achieve the objectives of the project by their adaptation to the target audience. The tools and methodologies to reach that goal will be discussed once more, and improved thanks to the new information collected during the rest of the meeting.