Public consultation: “Migration and mobility: challenges and opportunities for EU education policies”

The DG for Education and Culture opened a public consultation on “Migration and mobility: challenges and opportunities for EU education policies”. A Green Paper adopted by the Commission on 3 July 2008 opens the debate on how education policies may better address the challenges posed by immigration and internal EU mobility flows. The presence of significant numbers of migrant children has substantial implications for European education systems.

The Green Paper aims to foster an exchange of views on how to address these challenges at all levels, and also to inquire how the EU might in future support Member States in formulating their education policies in this area. In addition, it explores the future of the 1977 Directive on the education of children of workers from other Member States (77/486/EEC), whose implementation has proved unsatisfactory so far.

Interested parties are invited to make their views known about:

  • the policy challenge;
  • good policy responses to this challenge;
  • the possible role of the European Union in supporting Member States;
  • their views on the future of Directive 77/486/EEC.

The consultation on the issues above will be open until 31 December 2008.

Green Paper:

For further information: