Public consultation on Community innovation policy

The 18th September the European Commission launched a public consultation on Community Innovation Policy, which will be opened until the 16th November. All comments will be included in the reflections around the future of the Lisbon Strategy, revised in 2010.

The public consultation follows the publication the 9th September of some documents on the Community Innovation policy:

  1. Evaluation of the Community Innovation Policy from 2005 to 2009
  2. Challenges for supporting innovation
  3. Funding for Innovation and SMEs
  4. Good practices on public policies to foster innovation in Europe
  5. lead market initiative


(1) Do you agree with the Commission’s assessment of the main achievements and shortcomings of Community policies in support of innovation?

(2) Should EU innovation policies have a stronger orientation towards addressing major societal challenges? If so, which ones should be prioritised?

(3) Should innovation policy have any specific sector approach? If so, which sectors should be supported and which specific policy measures should be developed?

(4) Do existing instruments to support innovation need to be adjusted to reflect the changing nature of innovation and integrate new innovation patterns (services innovation, open innovation, user-driven innovation etc…)?

(5) What are the most important remaining obstacles for the EU to unleash its full creative and innovative potential, in particular through innovative SMEs?

(6) What are the implications for research policy of the changes needed to policies in support of innovation (e.g. the goal of addressing major societal changes, etc …)?

(7) Which scope exists to better facilitate the consolidation of world-class innovation “eco-systems” or clusters in the EU at regional level, taking into account emerging industries?

(8) How could the cooperation between regional, national and European innovation support programmes be reinforced to address the new challenges faster and more efficiently?

(9) What could the EU do to provide adequate access to finance to SMEs and entrepreneurs?

(10) Could the EU contribute to exploit the innovation potential in public services?

(11) How could the Community funding programmes for innovation, including FP7, CIP and Structural Funds, be simplified and streamlined?

(12) What could be realistic and meaningful quantitative and qualitative targets for future European innovation policy?

 Answers to be sent by the 16th November to:

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