As vice-president of the European Confederation of Local Intermediate Authorities (CEPLI), Partenalia co-organises a European Week of Regions and Cities workshop entitled: Local Intermediate Authorities act for Sustainable Territories.
The event will take place at the Committee of the Regions (Room JDE 53) on October, 9th from 11:15am to 1pm and will be followed by a networking lunch during which participants will have the opportunity to try out various local products from the provinces of origin of the various panelists.
As vice-president of the CEPLI, Mr. Manuel Baltar, president of Partenalia, will make a political intervention to open the workshop after Mr. André Viola, President of the CEPLI and of the Aude County Council has given his opening speech.
The Diputación de Castellón, a member of Partenalia, will present various good practices implemented over the last years to achieve a more sustainable territory.
For the full programme and registration, please visit:
For any questions, please contact: