The Palace of the Diputación de Jaen has been the location chosen to held this morning a meeting of the Spanih Federation of Provinces and municipalities (FEMP). In this meeting, representats of the Local Intermediate Goverments in Spain have been defended this institutions in orden to improve the balance between rural and urban areas and develop new future oportunities. They also launched a pettition calling for a participation to the FEDER Funds to the Spanish central Government. Ultimately it has served to put in perspective value the work and the importance of the provinces in assiting small and medium sized municipalities.
In this regard, the president of PARTENALIA Javier Moliner further explained their european approch of the provinces in ensuring equal opportunities regardless of the place of residence. And took advantge of the ocassion to explain what is Partenalia and what are their main work lines for 2016.
He pointed out the concret case of the Italian reform, where the national court of auditors, heavily critized the reform that left the provinces in a catasthropic situation. The reform did not fullfit any of the goals they had and lead to a deterioration of the public services without a materially impact in the deficit spending.
Moreover, refering the modernization of the European Union structures, the president Moliner has been stressed the contribution of PARTENALIA that “has been active within in the process of transformation of the Europen Unión fostering a collaboration among territories. Being the voice of Local Intermediate Authorities in order to safeguard the principle of subsidiarity, act in defence of multilevel governance and of the coherence of the policies of the European Union which ensure equal opportunities to citizens from both urban and rural areas.”