DG Education and Culture appointed the Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES) and the ERICarts Institute to make a study on the range and effectiveness of cultural contributions to local and regional development, in projects that were supported by the Structural Funds in the periods 2000-06 and 2007-13.
The study will seek to identify how, and to what extent culture-based projects contribute to economic and social development in the context of EU cohesion policy objectives. The aim is to examine evidence of the effects of projects with a significant cultural element at local and regional levels and to characterise the nature of these contributions and their variety. The focus in the study will be on projects supported by the Structural Funds.
Two ways of contributing to the analysis:
- Providing evidence directly on relevant culture-based projects along the lines explained at: http://www.cses.co.uk/surveys/eacea-culture-and-regional-policy/
- Participating actively in a debate on recent developments at a Seminar in Brussels in mid-November. Details at: http://www.cses.co.uk/surveys/eacea-culture-and-regional-policy/brussels-seminar/
Contact person: Myke Coyne
Email: mcoyne@cses.co.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1892 544025