The 1st January started the Czech Presidency of the EU which its main priority areas are Economy, Energy and the European Union in the World.
Concerning the Economy, the primary task during the Czech Presidency will be to prevent any further deepening of the crisis and to revive the economic growth of the EU economies. Even in this difficult economic situation, the Czech Presidency wants to put emphasis on the development of human capital through supporting education, research and development, and by freeing reserves in the internal market.
A central theme for the European Union during the Czech Presidency will encompass the set of issues related to the energy sector and an active involvement in international negotiations about climate protection after 2012. The Presidency will strive to prepare a path for reaching a broad international consensus on how to face climate change, which should be reached at the end of 2009 in Copenhagen. Energy security is a basic prerequisite for the functioning of the EU economies; in light of the EU’s increasing dependence on energy imports from the surrounding world, it acquires a special urgency.
Relating to the role of the EU in the world, talks with the representatives of the new US administration and the further development of the transatlantic dialogue in the key spheres of security, economy, energy and climate protection, will be of major importance for the EU’s interests. The Presidency will pay special attention to this Eastern dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy. In the first half of 2009, accession negotiations with a strategic partner – Turkey – will continue as well as with Croatia.
Official web page of the Czech Presidency: