The AISBL PARTENALIA has adopted its first Political declaration

The role of intermediate local authorities in the frame of multilevel governance has been the topic of the conference organized by AISBL PARTENALIA on the last Friday 5TH of March at the Committee of the Regions. The event brought together key speakers from the European institutions such as Mr. Alejandro CERCAS, Member of the European Parliament and Mrs. Claude du GRANRUT, Member of the Committee of the Regions and Councilor for the Picardie Region (France).

Political representatives from AISBL PARTENALIA, such as Mr. Juan Andrés TOVAR, President of Cáceres Provincial Council (Spain) and President of Partenalia, Mr. Renaud TARDY, Vice-president of the Conseil Général du Nord (France) and Vice-President of Partenalia, Mr. Serge HUSTACHE, Councillor for the Hainaut Province (Belgium) and Vice-President of Partenalia, Mr. Jordi LABORIA. Councilor for Barcelona Provincial Council (Spain) from the Partenalia Secretariat, have been exchanging their views on the role of Local Intermediate Authorities in the future of the EU.

The conference ended up with the signature of the first AISBL PARTENALIA political declaration and the launch of the association in the European arena.