The CoR published the priorities for the six term of office 2015-2020

The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) has just published the report that contains the key priorities during its current five year term (2015-2020). The priorities are the following:

A fresh start for the European economy: creating jobs and sustainable growth in cities and regions to provide a better quality of life for citizens.

In this sense, the CoR highlights the following measures, aimed at implementing this priority: to building on positive economic trends and converting them into sustainable jobs; to monitoring the implementation of the European Structural and Investment Funds and the European Fund for Strategic Investment, and to ensure that legislation is stable, in order to support investment in renewable energies, including the circular economy and eco-design initiatives.

The territorial dimension of EU legislation matters: working in the interest of citizens, no matter where they chose to live and work.

The CoR highlights the following measures, aimed at implementing this priority: to call for a stronger territorial dimension within EU policies and projects across the European Union, including as part of the revision of the Europe 2020 Strategy; to shape the development of future Cohesion Policy, and to promote the development of cross-border solutions.

A simpler, more connected Europe: reconnecting citizens and businesses at local and regional level.

The CoR highlights the following measures: to ensure that action is taken at the adequate level; to promote multilevel governance in future legislation, and to improve the Transparency Register.

Stability and cooperation within and outside of the European Union: supporting our neighbours on their path towards European values.

The CoR highlights the following measures: to expanding the territorial; to support the development of a comprehensive EU migration policy and strengthened local and regional crisis management capacities, and to support policies which address security and social stability challenges at local and regional level.

Europe of the citizens is Europe of the future: enhancing forward-looking partnerships between European Union and its people.

The CoR highlights the following measures, aimed at implementing this priority: to communicate about Europe and its values; to improve the CoR’s communication on its added value within the European Union and to contribute to the ongoing debate on the implementation of the Lisbon treaty.